PLUG Committee Minutes 2025-02-18
Committee Minutes 2025-02-18
Meeting opened 19:36 PM
- Present: Dan, Harry, Jacek, James, Paul, Nick, Wyatt
- Apologies:
- Absent:
Minutes of last committee meeting:
- Proposed by Harry, seconded by Paul. Passed with one no.
Next Meeting: Tuesday 2025-03-18
- Chairman / President Report
- Secretary Report
- Treasurer’s Report 2025-02-18
- Savings: $3052.25
- Debit: $109.90
- Cash: $386.10
- Reimbursements
- Harry: 2025-01-17 AGM food
- Paul there was no money spend on the card for food/drink, it will require reimbursement
- Harry: 2025-01-17 AGM food
- Bills
- Meetup via Artifactory invoice #1013961 02-10-24 for 2024-2023-2022 for $472.54
- Meetup via Artifactory invoice #1014662 2025-02-05 $158.84 for 6 months
- We pay 50% and in AUD. Meetup does online marketing.
- Discussions on alternatives - see record of 2025-02-11, below
Specific Business
- ACTIONS: Who / What / When / With(Action-Buddy)
- ACTION: James, buddy Nick:
- Run in Github Actions? report to committee@plug email?
- Still TODO.
- ACTION: Harry, buddy Paul, Harry contacted his own accountant, Lauren, to lodge through a tax agent.
- No-one in their practice does NFP work so no progress there.
- TODO: upgrade James’ GovId to Strong and lodge. ATO can accept or decline NFP declaration.
- MOTION: Submit our NFP self report under the category of “Scientific Association”.
- Proposed by James, Seconded by Harry. Passed unanimously
- DONE: Harry/Paul has established commerce account.
- ACTION: Confirm if Wyatt has access to WA Commerce now?
- Still in progress.
- ACTION: Follow up email from Harry to Storm Clive-Smith
- Storm has not replied to either of Harry’s emails and may not be receiving them. Harry passes any contact with Spacecubed to others.
- ACTION: In progress. PLUG Addresses updating.
- Like Commerce, Harry will pursue this with ASIC to amend the records and have the PO Box 8039 as a contact if suitable and extend access to Paul and Wyatt for this committee.
- ACTION: James to ask BendigoBank to add our ABN as a PayID
- Attempted to get an email added as a PayID, but Bendigo said that was impossible for organisation bank accounts
- Still todo.
- After Wyatt gets a customer#?
- WT Will go to local bank branch and get when they Know what to ask
- Attempted to get an email added as a PayID, but Bendigo said that was impossible for organisation bank accounts
- ACTION: In progress. Nick and Wyatt to work though the UGMM processes to document them.
- Still todo
- ACTION: Nick and Wyatt Group activity documents. Onboarding process not fully actioned yet, but the document to detail onboarding process has been done. e.g. event runsheets: recorded talks, BBQ, Quiz.
- Still in progress
- ACTION: Alternative to Meetup
- Nick: Outreach to
- Discussed in-person 2025-02-11
- Visible web URL and RSVP system is useful
- Network of users is more valuable than the software per se
- Nick: Outreach to
- Review events:
- January 2025
- PLUG-in-the-Pub
- 6 attended
- any feedback?
- PLUG-in-the-Pub
- February 2025
- Second Sunday 2025-02-09 PLUG+POSH Hack afternoon
- 6 RSVP’s but low attendance?!
- Second Tuesday 2025-02-11 PLUG: Talk/seminar, Second Tuesday
- Venue: Town Hall was not available, Vault and “Big” was
- 5 RSVP’s but 8 attendance?
- Second Sunday 2025-02-09 PLUG+POSH Hack afternoon
- January 2025
- Upcoming Events
- March 2025
- Second Sunday 2025-03-09 PLUG+POSH Hack afternoon
- Online at as well
- HOSTS: James (online), Nick (in-person)
- Second Tuesday 2025-03-11 Raspberry Jam.
- ACTION: Who/What/When/With: Promo, networking, screens, keyboards, demos, snacks/food, drinks&ice
- DONE: James to make sure event submitted to R-Pi events calendar
- ACTION: Dan (backup Nick) to bring drinks+ice for 18:00
- 2025-03-21: Perth Design, Technology & Innovation Tradeshow
- Have a table, what to bring: banner?
- ACTION: Wyatt (backup ?) to print more flyers, create talking points.
- Wyatt, Jacek
- Have a table, what to bring: banner?
- 2025-03-26: PLUG-in-the-Pub: The Mighty Quinn Tavern, Yokine
- ACTION: Dan, buddy Nick
- Second Sunday 2025-03-09 PLUG+POSH Hack afternoon
- April 2025
- Jasper’s: Homelab Talk
- “So you want to build a HomeLab?” see email: 2025-02-11 , 2025-02-15 to committee@plug
- Waiting for Jasper’s info to update the calendars.
- Paul/Jacek/Nick hosting from 1700?
- Promo, networking, snacks/food, drinks&ice
- WT - As secretary should I start confirming bookings and attendance?
- Nick: As a backup, maybe - but a host or venue liason should probably take that on?
- Jasper’s: Homelab Talk
- May 2025
- Dean’s talk: IPv6?
- ACTION: DeanB, buddy ACTION: Nick to contact and confirm
- If not done by first week of March then proceed with Wyatt Install Fest
- Second Tuesday? Linux install fest
- Moved to June.
- ACTION: Bring USB install media with ISO’s
- Perhaps Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Fedora others
- ACTION: Organise an in-city market stall prior to promote event to new users
- Wyatt to Book stall by April and use its date to lock in installfest date.
- ACTION: Bring USB install media with ISO’s
- Dean’s talk: IPv6?
- Future events
- Quiz night suggested by Paul if we don’t have a talk
- Kings Park BBQ by Paul TBC if still in the country
- James has contacted Jasper to confirm if the Matrix talk is possible.
- ACTION: James to update calendar based on Jasper’s response
- Reschedule for … April? 2025-04-08
- March 2025
General business
Meeting finished at 9:03 PM