We use the Google calendar (below) and meetup to plan our events please look at those for specific events and details.

Generally, PLUG runs a talk once a month at Spacecubed along with a meetup in a local pub once every two months and a quiz night with prizes once a year around April or May.

You can also subscribe to an iCalendar feed of all events.

To visit our archives of previous events (including talks), check out the Event Archives.

To visit our archives of the Annual General Meetings and (where available) meeting minutes, check out the Committee Archives.

January 0001

  • date: 11th December 2001 prez: matt kemner vice: jason nicholls secy/tres: tony breeds-taurima member/librarian: daniel beard Motion to increase committee to five.(moved leon brooks 2nded jason nicholls) - CARRIED. member: james bromberger (moved leon brooks 2nded jason nicholls) No other proposals, all seconded.

    Tony B-T: TAFE - educational membership incl lecture theatre w/facilities PLUG has $600

    LCA2003 - ending skyshow (sat 26jan2003) day

    • meetings at Blue Duck on 1st Sun of each month 9AM

    James B: LCA2002 - 5/6 going now due 1st week Feb 2002

  • Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 14:32:14 +0800 (WST) From: “Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima” tony@cantech.net.au To: “P.L.U.G.” plug@plug.linux.org.au Subject: [plug] AGM last night

    Hi everyone, FOr those of you that couldn’t make it along last night here is a summary of what happend. Note these are note minutes per se.

    A special thanks the the annonymous author!

    35/36 attendees (4/5 Fem) Apologies Harry and Jacqueline McNally Bret and Anne Busby Trevor Phillips if we forgot you I’m sorry

  • The Perth Linux User Group (PLUG) Annual General Meeting was held Tuesday 10 February, 2004 at the normal Tuesday meeting place, Perth Central TAFE in Northbridge.

    Present were:-

    • Vice President - Bernard Blackham
    • Secretary - Mark Gaynor
    • OCM - Clare Johnstone
    • OCM - Leon Brooks
    • and twenty plus, general members.

    Apologies received from:-

    • President - Tony Breeds
    • Treasurer - Mark Tearle

    The meeting was officially opened at 1950Hrs with the Vice President (Bernard Blackham) welcoming everyone to the Perth Linux User Group Annual General Meeting for 2003/4.

    The President, Tony Breeds, had resigned his position in December 2003 after moving to our Nation's Capital, Canberra. Bernard Blackham delivered the "State of the Union Address" in Tony's absence. Bernard also acknowledged the outgoing committee and thanked them for their time and effort.

    Harry McNally volunteered to be returning officer for the meeting. There was no objection, so Harry set the procedure the meeting would follow to nominate and vote for all the positions.

    There were no written nominations lodged before the meeting, so all committee positions were then declared vacant and nominations to fill these positions were called for, seconded and voted on.

    Where more than one person was nominated, the nominees were asked to briefly address the meeting to put their views forward for that position. A vote then followed and the position filled by popular vote.

    Positions where there was only one nominee, that position was declared filled unopposed and no vote was recorded.

    The new committee:-

    • President - Bernard Blackham
    • Vice-President - Leon Brooks
    • Treasurer - Mark Gaynor
    • Secretary - Clare Johnstone
    • OCM - Adrian Woodley
    • OCM - Cameron Patrick

    Other roles that were filled (not a committee position)

    • Talks co-ordinator - Craig Abernethie
    • Librarian - Nick Bannon
    • Web Masters - James Devenish, Cameron Patrick and Mark Gaynor

    Following the election of committee members, Harry handed the meeting over to the new President, Bernard Blackham, who welcomed the new committee then continued with the meeting agenda.

    General business:-

    The bank account:-
    It was resolved that the committee would deal with the problem of transferring the PLUG funds to another club friendly bank or building society as a matter of urgency.

    Membership Cards:-
    A discussion followed. It was pointed out that a design had already been presented and reference could possibly be found on the mailing list. Cameron volunteered to search the PLUG mailing list and post the results to the list for discussion and a decision. The committee would take the final design and get it professionally printed. It is hoped, if possible, these would be available by the February UCC or the March TAFE meeting.

    The meeting was closed at 2020Hrs.



    Secretary PLUG 2003
    Mark J Gaynor

  • >Summary for the impatient

    the 2005 committee are:

    • President: Cameron Patrick
    • Vice President: Marcus Giles
    • Secretary: Bernard Blackham
    • Treasurer: Mark Gaynor
    • Ordinary Committee Members: Tim White, Ryan Smith, Greg Macham

    Unofficial PLUG roles are:

    • Librarian: Nick Bannon, with assistance from James Devenish
    • Talks coordinator: Cameron and Bernard are willing to help but further volunteers would be appreciated.
    • Web masters: Cameron Patrick and Mark Gaynor
    • List masters: Tim White, Cameron Patrick, James Devenish, Craig Ringer

    Annual General Meeting opened Mon Jan 24 19:45:34 WST 2005

    Cameron Patrick takes minutes.

    People present include Nick Bannon, Innis Cunningham, Arie Hol, Mark Gaynor, John Serventy, Garry Buckle, Tim White, Milan Pospisil, Marcus Giles, Harry McNally, Joel Johnson, James Devenish, Ryan Smith, Bernard Blackham, Cameron Patrick and Greg Macham.

    Apologies from Leon Brooks and Bernd Felsche.

    Welcome/agenda - Bernard Blackham

    State of the union - Bernard Blackham

    • big list of stuff we've done (bank account, associations act compliance, membership cards, PO box, new machines/hosting, web site, membership database, box of tricks, installfest, talks)

    Treasurer's report (Mark Gaynor)

    • We have over 100 members
    PLUG cash:
    - Bank account$1802.80
    - Cash in hand$398.60
    - Total$2201.40
    Expenditure still to be paid:
    - Cable kit$-479.00
    - Membership subsidy$-50.00
    - Expenses (Bernard)$-45.00
    - Total$-574.00
    Throughout the year:
    - Debian Source DVD$-15.00
    - Installfest (out)$-232.60
    - Installfest (in)$84.00
    Account balance:$1495.75

    Harry Mac volunteered as returning officer

    Current committee vacated

    Leon nominates Bernard for President. Seconded by Cameron. Declined.
    Bernard nominates Cameron for Pres. Harry Mac seconds. Accepted.
    Elected unopposed, Cameron Patrick is President.

    Mark G nominates LeonB for Vice Pres. Bernard seconds. Accepted.
    Bernard nominates Marcus for VP. Harry Mac seconds. Accepted.
    Voted upon. Marcus Giles is Vice President.

    Cameron nominates James Devenish for Secretary. Declined.
    Leon nominates Clare for Secretary. Declined.

    Bernard nominates Harry Mac as Sec’y. Declined.
    Bernard nominates himself as Sec’y. Cameron seconds. Accepted.
    Elected unopposed. Bernard Blackham is Secretary.

  • Summary for the impatient

    The new PLUG committee for 2006 is:

    • President: Ian Kent
    • Vice President: Bernard Blackham
    • Secretary: Daniel Axtens
    • Treasurer: Mark Gaynor
    • Ordinary Committee Members: Tim White, Jeff Rida, Marcus Giles, and Cameron Patrick

    Non-committee positions:

    • Librarian: Ken Muir-Hunt
    • List masters: Ian Kent, Mark Gaynor and Tim White
    • Web masters: Committee to share
    • Talks coordinator: Committee assumes responsibility

    Full Minutes

    Meeting opened Mon Jan 30 20:08:33 WST 2006

    Members Present:

    • Marcus Giles
    • Mark Gaynor
    • Bernard Blackham
    • Jim Leven
    • Innis Cunningham
    • Daniel Axtens
    • Tim White
    • James Stewart
    • Chris Denby
    • Jeff Rida
    • Phil Cadwell
    • Peter Kesners
    • Uli Kesners
    • Tomasz Grzegurzko
    • Russ Powers
    • Milan Pospisil
    • Daniel Beard
    • Ian Kent
    • Arie Hol
    • Joel Johnson
    • Ken Muir-Hunt


    • Cameron Patrick
    • Nick Bannon

    President's report:

    • In absentia

    Vice-president's report:

    • Nothing to report

    Treasurer's report:

    • Relatively uneventful
    • Financial membership is a little down
    • 63 financial and 66 non-financial as of last Sunday (though many will have paid tonight)
    • E-mail expiry warning isn't working yet. Should get somebody onto that.
    • Suggest putting direct debit info at bottom of signup form.
    • Notion of family membership raised again
    • Expenditure $1315.60. Big expenditures:
      • PLUG computer ($578) P4 2.4GHz mini-ATX PC
      • Cables purchased in 2004
    • Still need to purchase an LCD monitor for PC
    • Current funds $1683.80

    Secretary's report:

    • Burner/demo box bought
    • PLUG now has audio recordings of seminars

    Committee Vacated - Elections begin

    Tim White nominated by Bernard Blackham. Seconded by Mark Gaynor. Declined
    Bernard Blackham nominated by Daniel Axtens. Seconded by Mark Gaynor. Declined

    Ian Kent nominated by self. Seconded by Daniel Beard. Accepted

  • Summary for the impatient

    The new PLUG committee for 2007 is:

    • President: Ian Kent
    • Vice President: Patrick Coleman
    • Secretary: Daniel Axtens
    • Treasurer: Mark Gaynor
    • Ordinary Committee Members: To be appointed on-list

    Non-committee positions:

    • Librarian: Ken Muir-Hunt
    • List masters: Unchanged
    • Web masters: Unchanged
    • Talks coordinator: Alastair Irvine

    Full Minutes

    Meeting opened Mon Jan 29 20:17 2007

    Members present included:

    • Bruce Axtens
    • Daniel Axtens
    • Tim Bowden
    • Patrick Coleman
    • Innis Cunningham
    • Mark Gaynor
    • Ian Kent
    • John McCabe-Dansted
    • Harry McNally
    • Ken Muir-Hunt

    President's report:

    • Nothing to report

    Treasurer's report:

    • PLUG is in a solid financial position.
    • Financial membership is a little down
    • Current funds about $1600

    Moved by Daniel Axtens to accept the minutes of the last meeting. Seconded by Ian Kent. Carried unanimously.

    Librarian's Report:

    • No inquiries about borrowing resources in the last year.
    • Two people have volunteered to take over.
    • Suggested reducing volume of old CDs.

    Secretary's report:

    • Very quiet year for PLUG
    • Challenges for PLUG in the new year include finding a seminar venue, and finding UCC members to book/close our workshop venue.
    • Tim Bowden raised the possibility of PLUG paying for UCC memberships of committee members.

    Committee Vacated - Elections begin

    Daniel Axtens nominated by Mark Gaynor. Seconded by Ian Kent. Accepted

    Daniel Axtens elected Secretary unopposed.

    Mark Gaynor nominated by Daniel Axtens. Seconded by Ian Kent. Accepted

    Mark Gaynor elected Treasurer unopposed.

    Vice President:

    Patrick Coleman nominated by Mark Gaynor. Seconded by Ian Kent. Accepted

  • Summary for the impatient

    The new PLUG committee for 2008 is:

    • President: Patrick Coleman
    • Vice President: Adon Metcalfe
    • Secretary: Ian Kent
    • Treasurer: Mark Gaynor
    • Ordinary Committee Members: Jason Nicholls, Adrian Woodley, Ritchie Young

    Non-committee positions:

    • Librarian: Lance Duivenbode
    • List masters: Alastair Irvine, Ian Kent, Ritchie Young
    • Web masters: Mark Gaynor, Ian Kent, Jason Nicholls, Ritchie Young
    • Talks coordinator: Patrick Coleman, assisted by Alastair Irvine

    Full Minutes

    Members present included:

    • Daniel Axtens
    • George Backlund
    • Daniel Beard
    • Nick Bannon
    • Adam Chambost
    • Patrick Coleman
    • Innis Cunningham
    • Mark Gaynor
    • Alastair Irvine
    • Joel Johnson
    • Ian Kent
    • Adon Metcalfe
    • John McCabe-Dansted
    • Jason Nicholls
    • Nick Warren
    • Adrian Woodley
    • Ritchie Young

    Meeting opened at 21:25 PM.

    Mark Gaynor moves to accept the minutes of the last meeting. Ian Kent seconds. Passed.

    Patrick Coleman gives his State of Union address: PLUG is being built back up, and working relationships with WASP and CCGS are being developed.

    Mark gives Treasurer's report:

    • $2300 in bank
    • Outgoing for SSL cert - $200
    • Other spending - $100

    Progress on the PO Box queried.

    Daniel Axtens moves that the be committee dissolved. Patrick Coleman seconds. Passed.

    Daniel Axtens and Nick Bannon appointed returning officers.

    President: Patrick Coleman nominated by Mark Gaynor. Ian Kent seconds. Accepted. Elected unopposed.

    Vice President: Adon Metcalfe nominated by Patrick Coleman. Mark Gaynor seconds. Accepted. Elected unopposed.

    Treasurer: Mark Gaynor nominated by Daniel Axtens. Ian Kent seconds. Accepted. Elected unopposed.

    Secretary: Ian Kent nominates self as secretary. Patrick Coleman seconds. Accepted. Elected unopposed.


    • Jason Nicholls nominated by Mark Gaynor. Ian Kent seconds. Accepted.
    • Ritchie Young nominated by Mark Gaynor. Patrick Coleman seconds. Accepted.
    • Adrian Woodley nominated by Mark Gaynor. Patrick Coleman seconds. Accepted.

    Patrick Coleman moves to increase the number of OCMs to 3. Ian Kent seconds. Passed.

    3 people to fill 3 vacancies; Jason Nicholls, Ritchie Young and Adrian Woodley are elected as OCMs.

    AGM closed at 21:42 PM. General meeting opened.

    Library Volunteer: the meeting confirmed the appointment on the mailing list.

    Talk coordinator: Patrick Coleman continues, with Alastair Irvine assisting.

    Webmasters: Mark Gaynor, Ian Kent, Jason Nicholls, Ritchie Young volunteer.

    Listmaster: Ritchie Young, Alastair Irvine, Ian Kent volunteer.

    linux.conf.au: Patrick Coleman mentions his desire to form a group interested in helping bid for LCA in 2010 - any bid would be November this year. Message will go to list.

    Server from LA queried by Jason Nicholls: Patrick Coleman updates meeting to current status. Discussion about Xen servers, migration, DyDNS servers and other possible options.

    Linux in the community: Installfests and workshops: should they, and how should they happen? Committee to look into this, and possible use of WASP facilities.

    Innis Cunningham moves to thank the previous committee for the seminars done in 2007. Joel Johnson seconds. Passed unanimously.

    Patrick Coleman declares General Meeting closed at 22:11 PM.

  • Summary for the impatient

    The new PLUG committee for 2009 is:

    • President: Patrick Coleman
    • Vice President: Adon Metcalfe
    • Secretary: Nick Sandford
    • Treasurer: Mark Gaynor
    • Ordinary Committee Members: Tim White, Phillip V, David L, Jason N and Peter L

    Non-committee positions (additions only since 2008):

    • Librarian: Lance Duivenbode
    • List masters: Alastair Irvine, Ian Kent, Ritchie Young
    • Web masters: Mark Gaynor, Ian Kent, Jason Nicholls, Ritchie Young, Msquared
    • Talks coordinator: Patrick Coleman, assisted by Alastair Irvine

    Full Minutes

    Meeting opened at 20:00.

  • PLUG Annual General Meeting, 2010

    Title: PLUG Annual General Meeting, 2010
    When: Tuesday, 9th March 2010, 7:30pm - 9:00pm.
    Where: 'Futuresphere', Christ Church Grammar School, Queenslea Drive, Clarem ont

    Summary for the impatient

    The new PLUG committee for 2010 is:

    • President: Timothy White
    • Vice President: Nick Bannon
    • Secretary: Peter Lyons
    • Treasurer: Mark Gaynor
    • Ordinary Committee Members: Patrick Coleman, Alastair Irvine

    Full Minutes

    Meeting opened Tuesday March 9th at 19:51.

    Members present included:

    • Daniel Beard
    • Nick Bannon
    • Harry McNally
    • Mark Gaynor
    • George Backlund
    • Tim White
    • Peter Lyons
    • Alistair Irvine
    • Milan Pospisil
    • Lee Potts (Visitor)
    • Sara White (Visitor)

    Motion: that the minutes of the previous AGM be accepted
    Moved: Peter L; Seconded: Harry Mc; Passed

    Presidents Report
    Via Email

    Treasurer's Report

    • Balance $3521
    • Need to get security key for bank account ($20). Minimal expenditures. Similar to last year

    Autofs (wiki.autofs.net)
    Autofs Wiki removed from PLUG server due to security vulnerabilities leading to junk content and increased server load.

    Server Migration
    Migration to new HP server still in progress. Alastair volunteers to assist with new server migration and regular maintenance. Etch hit end of life. Need a policy about security updates (to be sorted out by admin).

    Alastair moves motion to establish a policy soon after the AGM (within a month) for how long between security updates on the servers.
    Seconded: Mark
    6 Votes for, 0 against. Motion passed without dissent

    Motion that Committee in the next few months attacks the constitution to make it more appropriate for what PLUG does.
    Moved: Mark G; Seconded: Peter L; 7 votes for, 0 against. Motion passed without dissent

    Committee Reports on membership
    Motion that committee reports on past and future methods of attracting and retaining membership (and Alastair volunteers to assist with the creation of the report).
    Moved: Alastair; Seconded: Mark; 7 votes for, 0 against. Motion passed without dissent.

    Motion: That standing orders be suspended
    Moved: Harry Mc; Seconded: Peter; Passed

    Standing orders suspended. Harry Mc appointed returning officer.

    Committee Election

    • President
      Patrick C nominated Tim W, seconded Harry Mc.

      No further nominations.
      Tim W elected President unopposed.

  • Minutes of the PLUG Annual General Meeting 2011 held on Tuesday, 12th January 2011 from 7:30pm at ‘Futuresphere’, Christ Church Grammar School, Queenslea Drive, Claremont

    Members present: Peter Lyons (Secretary) Alastair Irvine Daniel Axtens Andrew Greig Jason Nicholls Mark Gaynor Jim Leven Arie Hol Garry Buckle Daniel Beard Harry McNally Juan J. Garcia Elena Aza Daniel J. Harmsworth Nick Bannon (Chair) Scott Percival James Bromberger Nico Hessler

    Members attending via proxy: Patrick Coleman Lance Duivenbode Tim White

  • Perth Linux Users Group - Annual General Meeting 2016 - Minutes

    Held at 45 St Georges Terrace Perth CBD. Spacecubed.org on Tuesday 12th of January 2016 at 7:00 PM

    0. Opening

    Meeting Opened by Michael V at 7:15 PM

    16 Paid members at meeting = 16 (Margaret W, David M, Adam F, Dan B, William T, Benjamin A, James B, Craig H, Babfemi O, Michael V, Hannah S, Andrew C, Paul, James H, Paul G, Peter L, Robert W, Ican F, Mesc F, Nick B)

  • Perth Linux Users Group – Annual General Meeting 2017 – Minutes

    Held at 45 St Georges Terrace Perth CBD. Spacecubed.org on Tuesday 10th of January 2017 at 7:30 PM

    0. Opening

    Paul opened the meeting at 19:35

    1. Confirmation of Minutes of the 2016 AGM

    Paul proposed the minutes sent to the mailing list were true and correct.

    Michael Van Delft seconded the minutes.

    2. Committee Reports (including accounts)

    Played Video from William Termini

  • Perth Linux Users Group – Annual General Meeting 2018 – Minutes

    The Perth Linux Users Group Annual General Meeting held at Spacecubed.com at 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth CBD on Tuesday 13th March 2018 at 7:20 PM.

    0: Opening: 1920

    Members present:

    • Paul (2017 Vice President)
    • Peter Lyons (2017 Treasurer)
    • Nick Bannon (2017 Secretary, AGM Chair)
    • Margaret Wood (2017 OCM)
    • Dean Bergin (2017 OCM)
    • Ivan Fetwadjieff
    • James Henstridge
    • Harry McNally
    • Kieran Mesquita
    • Alastair Irvine


  • Perth Linux Users Group – Annual General Meeting 2019 – Minutes

    The Perth Linux Users Group Annual General Meeting held at Spacecubed.com at 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth CBD on Tuesday 12th February 2019 at 19:25 PM.

    Our venue has been provided by Spacecubed.com tonight.

    Please add your name below if you haven’t already. We will be ordering pizza towards so let us know what you want.

    0. Opening:

    Meeting opened at 7:25 PM

  • Perth Linux Users Group - Annual General Meeting 2020 - Minutes

    • Our venue has been provided by Spacecubed.com
      • Located at 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 on Tuesday 11th February 2020 at 7:00 PM.


    1. Opening. Starting 7:12 PM by Benjamin.
    • The attendance is Nick, Margaret, Peter, Alastair, Lawrence, Paul, Patrick, Benjamin, James.
    • Apologies from Niall and Michel.
    1. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM.
    • https://www.plug.org.au/events/AGM/2019/
    • Date: 2018 should read as 2019.
    • List quorum correctly for 31 members. (5.567…)
    • Margaret moves that the minutes are accepted, seconded by Alastair.
      • 8 Yes and 1 Abstained.
    1. Committee Reports. (Including accounts)

  • PLUG Annual General Meeting Minutes for 2021

    • Venue: Spacecubed.com, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
    • Time: Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 7:00 PM


    1. Opening.(Starting 7:00 PM sharp)
    2. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 2020 AGM
    3. Committee Reports. (Including accounts)
    4. Election of 2020 Committee.
    5. General Business.
    6. Meeting Close.

    0. Meeting Opening at 19:05 PM by NB


    • Nick Bannon
    • James Henstridge
    • Paul A
    • Peter Lyons
    • Margaret Wood
    • Michael Collins
    • Niall Navin
    • Steve Schrader
    • Sarah Allard Apologies
    • Benjamin Arntzen
    • Michel Nzikou

    Nick: Thanks to our venue Sponsor: Spacecubed and thanks for the use of their “Riff” space for no cost. Come to the Open Week, starting Monday 2021-02-08: https://events.humanitix.com/spacecubed-open-week-intro-to-flex-working

  • PLUG Annual General Meeting 2022 Minutes

    • Venue: Spacecubed.com, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
    • Time: Tuesday 11th January 2022 at 7:00 PM


    1. Opening.(Starting 7:00 PM sharp)
    2. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 2021 AGM
    3. Committee Reports. (Including accounts)
    4. Election of 2021 Committee.
    5. General Business.
    6. Meeting Close.

    0. Meeting Opened at 19:28 by Bemjamin



    • Nick Bannon
    • Patrick Cody
    • Paul A
    • Peter Lyons
    • Margaret Wood
    • James Henstridge
    • Benjamin Arntzen
    • Steve Foreman
    • Sarah Allard
    • Alastair Irvine



    • Alexander Kent

    1. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM.

    2. Committee Reports.

    1. Chairperson’s Report:

  • PLUG Annual General Meeting 2023 Minutes

    • Venue: Spacecubed.com, 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
    • Time: Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 7:00 PM


    1. Opening.(Starting 7:00 PM sharp)
    2. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 2022 AGM
    3. Committee Reports. (Including accounts)
    4. Election of 2023 Committee.
    5. General Business.
    6. Meeting Close.

    0. Meeting Opened at 19:03 by Patrick



    • Margaret Wood
    • Nick Bannon
    • Sarah Allard
    • Patrick Cody
    • Paul A
    • Niall Navin
    • Peter Lyons
    • James Henstridge
    • Benjamin Dunstan
    • Benjamin Arntzen (at 19:21)



    1. Confirmation of the minutes of the previous AGM.

    2. Committee Reports.

    1. Chairperson’s Report: President’s Report
    2. Secretary’s Report: Secretary’s Report 2022
    3. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s Report 2022 (odp)

    3. Election of 2023 Committee.

    The Nominations received before the deadline are:

  • PLUG AGM, Tuesday 2024-01-09

    • Perth Linux Users Group Annual General Meeting

    • Venue: Spacecubed.com / Riff

      • 45 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000
    • Attendance (:ballot_box_with_check: = active member)

      • Nick Bannon :ballot_box_with_check:
      • Sarah Allard :ballot_box_with_check:
      • Patrick Cody :ballot_box_with_check:
      • James Henstridge :ballot_box_with_check:
      • Paul Anthony :ballot_box_with_check:
      • Benjamin I.D. Silva :ballot_box_with_check:
      • Dan Buzzard :ballot_box_with_check:
      • Mark Dixon :ballot_box_with_check:
      • Chris Kwan
      • Lochran Huck ( :ballot_box_with_check: , post-meeting)
      • Awais Ahmed Nizamani
      • Ky Potts
    • Apologies

      • Margaret Wood
      • Niall Navin
      • Peter Lyons


  • Here is a list of previous PLUG events, organized by year.

  • September 11 2001

    James Bromberger: Introduction to Debian (somewhat interrupted by world events!)

  • January 2003

    James Bromberger & Tony Breeds: Linux.conf.au 2003

    March 2003

    Tony Breeds on “What’s New in 2.6”

    April 2003

    Hans Humboldt on “Sun’s Position in the Linux Market”

    May 2003

    Trent Lloyd on “User-Mode Linux (UML)”

    June 2003

    Bernard Blackham on “Speex Development and Applications”

    July 2003

    Mike Gilks on “OpenOffice.org Data Connection - databases for the rest of us”

    August 2003

    Sacha Schlegel on ebXML (cancelled)

    September 2003

    Sacha Schlegel on ebXML

  • March 2004

    Bernard Blackham on “Cool Things You Should and Shouldn’t Do With PostgreSQL”

    April 2004

    Nick Bannon, Clare Johnstone and Cameron Patrick on linux.conf.au 2004

    May 2004

    Craig Ringer on “Generating quality PDF reports using Python and ReportLab”

    June 2004

    Leon Brooks on “Playing with Ruby-SDL”

    July 2004

    Bernard Blackham on “Linux, Laptops and Life”

    August 2004

    James Levin, Bernard Blackham and Michal Wirski presenting a post-Installfest introduction to Linux

  • March 2005

    Davyd Madeley with The Clubber’s Guide to Rapid Application Development with GNOME and Python and Cameron Patrick with Software Archery: hitting the bull’s-eye with GNU Arch revision control.

    April 2005

    Lightning Talks

    May 2005

    Antics of linux.conf.au 2005

    June 2005

    Russell Steicke on his winning LCA 2005 hackfest entry

    July 2005

    Leon Brooks with a talk mysteriously entitled The Crimson Panacea

    August 2005

    Phil Twiss on Open Source WA and Harry McNally on Computer Angels

  • January 2006

    Stuart Midgley with Linux on supercomputers & tour of IVEC facilities.

    February 2006

    Linux.conf.au 2006 reminiscing.

    August 2006

    Adrian Woodley on Virtual E-mail Hosting

    September 2006

    Adrian Chadd on Serving a gigabit of web traffic for fun and profit

  • March 2007

    Phil Schwan on Deconstructing Lustre

    May 2007

    Ian Kent on Autofs in the Linux Kernel

    August 2007

    Adrian Chadd on Xen and Virtualisation

    September 2007

    Patrick Coleman on Command Line Fu and Cameron Patrick on Map The Planet

    October 2007

    Adrian Woodley on Network Monitoring, and Daniel Axtens on Simple Ubuntu Tips and Tricks

    November 2007

    Paul Antoine on UNIX in Australia

    December 2007

    Davyd Madeley on Awesome Tools for Document Authoring

  • January 2008

    Web Content Delivery, 2007 style, presented by Adrian Chadd

    February 2008

    iSCSI: It’s not a Mac, presented by Patrick Coleman

    March 2008

    Linux Filesystem Internals, presented by Ian Kent

    April 2008

    WPAD for chumps, presented by Adon Metcalfe

    May 2008

    LDAP for Popular People and Sysadmins, presented by Ritchie Young

    June 2008

    Making Emacs your bit^H^H^H preferred editor and IDE, presented by Alastair Irvine

    July 2008

    User security on shared hosting and shell servers, presented by David Adam

  • January 2009

    Heading towards single sign-on with Kerberos, presented by Nick Sandford

    February 2009


    March 2009

    Demystifying VPNs, presented by Alastair Irvine

    April 2009

    MythTV: Open source content streaming, presented by Geoffrey Alagoda

    May 2009

    Working with Blender, presented by Innis Cunningham

    July 2009

    GIS on Linux, presented by Adon Metcalfe

    September 2009

    The Murchison Widefield Array radio telescope, presented by Dr Andrew Williams

    October 2009

    Proxmox VE: open-source enterprise virtualisation, presented by Adon Metcalfe

  • March 2010


    May 2010

    Wireless hotspots, presented by Tim White

    October 2010

    OpenDMX - the open DMX512 Lighting Control project, presented by Simon Newton

    November 2010

    Hardware - roundtable discussion on Arduino and other microcontrollers

  • January 2011


    February 2011

    Linux.conf.au Review, presented by Alastair

    March 2011

    Trip to Artifactory, presented by Daniel

    Quiz night

    April 2011

    Harry McNally: UWA Physics Radio Telescope and Arduino

    May 2011

    IPv6 in the enterprise, by Carl Gharardi, at L-3 Naurtronix (download video - mp4, 234MB)

    June 2011

    High Performance Computing, by IBM, at IBM West Perth (download video - mp4, 276MB)

    July 2011

    Ubuntu One, by James Henstridge (no video sorry, audio problems)

  • January 2012

    AGM (download video - mp4, 123MB)

    February 2012

    Moodle - the courseware management system by Martin Dougiamas (download video - mp4, 249MB. NOTE: audio issues first 15mins)

    March 2012

    NBN Panel Discussion with Chris Roberts (NBN Co), Gavin Tweedie (iiNet), and Warrick Mitchel (AARNet).

    April 2012

    AutoFS - The Linux automounter by Ian Kent (download video - mp4, 143MB)