0. Opening

  • Meeting opened by Harry at 19:31 PM
    • VENUE: James’ place, in-person
  • Present: JamesH, NickB, BenjaminIDS, HarryMc, MichaelC
  • Apologies: None
  • Absent: Lochy
  • Guest:

1. Confirmation of Previous Minutes

  • Not uploaded yet
  • ACTION: Nick to upload

2. Next Committee Meeting

3. Reports & Standing Items

  • Recruiting/co-opting more committee members: see Correspondence

    • Welcome Harry McNally, Michael Collins!
  • Financial Situation

    • Balances:
      • Cash box (at James’s)
        • Banking done, $330.25 current, $598.95 at start of 2024
        • ACTION: to fill in during the busybee
      • Business Debit Card
        • $164.52
      • Bank Balance
        • $3162.65
  • Membership Situation as of 2024-08-20

    • 36 new members (unpaid), ? returned, ? renewals
      • Need to nudge new attendees towards formal financial membership
    • Current Paid Members 23, was 25 at AGM
    • Expired Members 340, was 332 at AGM
    • Members on meetup.com 623, was 472 at AGM
  • Correspondance

    • None

4. Events Status

  • Review of recent events:

    • August 2024
      • Second Sunday 2024-08-11 PLUG+POSH
        • 3 attendees, including 1 first-timer
      • Second Tuesday 2024-08-13
        • Two new attendees showed up, instead of mailing list hacking we had an ad-hoc Q&A session
  • Upcoming events:

    • September 2024

      • Second Sunday 2024-09-08 PLUG+POSH
      • Second Tuesday 2024-09-10
        • JasperG, panel discussion on Linux gaming
        • JasperG is up for an informal or panel style “presentation”, as of 2024-06-11, 2024-08-19
          • Linux gaming: Portal: Story of Mel native vs Proton?
          • Demo or prepared links on Proton/Wine/Lutris/Steam/DXVK/anticheat…?
        • Roundtable/panel style meeting: plus a shared hedgedoc/hackmd doc, like the focus-on-privacy 2022-07-12 (https://demo.hedgedoc.org/ej7SEkdMT6iop8QgRePtcA)
          • Seed the agenda document with background
      • PLUG-in-the-Pub Tuesday 2024-09-17: cheap steaks@barorient.com
    • October 2024

      • Second Tuesday 2024-10-08T18:00
        • General meeting
          • VENUE: Riff/Spacecubed, 45 St George’s Tce
          • Ratify new committee members
          • Allocate named officers: Chair/Treasurer
          • Maybe agenda: continue meetup.com ? other services? Sponsorship?
          • MOTION: Budget $100 for food
            • Proposed: Nick Seconded: HarryMc
            • Passed unanimously
          • Best-of-GUADEC?
          • Go to pub to celebrate Ubuntu “Oracular Oriole” 24.10?
      • Second Sunday 2024-10-13 PLUG+POSH
    • November 2024

      • Second Sunday 2024-11-10 PLUG+POSH
      • Second Tuesday 2024-11-12
        • Placeholder, look for outings, work visits; or infra workshop
      • https://dddperth.com/ , Saturday 2024-11-16
      • PLUG-in-the-Pub
        • Due for a central: Hygge Bar
    • December 2024

      • Second Sunday 2024-12-08 Xmas BBQ + PLUG+POSH ?
        • Special invite, past committee&friends
    • January 2025

  • Future talks?

    • Margaret: EMACS-based UIs for database applications (not until 2023)
    • Yuchen: Haskell-code-explorer (unlikely to be ready in 2023)
    • Locutus: Ian Clarke (Contact)
    • Aidan - Graphics work (Confirm Sat 2024-01-20) (Not at this stage)
  • Other event info moved here for non actionable items. https://hackmd.io/O85j6jvpR8SlIKln1UD_AQ

5. General Business & Matters Arising

  • ACTION: Domain renewal is due again: plug.org.au: done!
    • All agreed for the bill to be paid under the standing cloud expenses
    • Accidentally paid twice, Tim@2024-06-29 says: credit is good for next year
      • ACTION: Nick: Reply

6. New General Business

  • Stocktake of our Pi gear and quiz prizes
    • quiz this year or not? car rally? movie outing?
  • Recent memberships/renewals: all timely processed?
  • Current members mailing list: tested and able to be preloaded with a list of current financial members?
  • Minutes: published and deployed to the website
  • Mailman as a member service
    • archiving useful confirmation
    • Harry and Nick (during the second Sunday 2024-08-11 Hack Day at Artifactory) proposed that Tuesday Riff/SpaceCubed would be confirmed as an infrastructure meeting with a specific task/theme to offer GNU Mailman listserver access for PLUG members. The event will be advertised to encourage members to attend so they can reset passwords and learn about using Mailman.

This Tuesday the Riff/Spacecubed event will be an infrastructure event with a specific purpose; member mailman lists. Mailman is useful as a tool for short term management of attendees to an event. PLUG can offer the ability for members to create and manage a mailing list of attendees. If you are a PLUG member and would like to use the service please come along so we can discuss how this will work best and also make sure that your PLUG login is current. It is also a great way to learn how to manage a Mailman list as a low effort announcement tool. We can also test the service on the night and write a (very simple) guidelines/Terms of Use.

  • Committee handover
    • Bank
      • ACTION: James: Update signatories, add James: CBD branch, early 2024-06?
      • Existing signatories: PeterL, Paul, NiallN, SarahA, NickB
        • ACTION: JamesH/Nick Add Harry to committee group in UGMM
      • ACTION: HarryMc
      • ACTION: Add PayID
    • ACTION: Update PLUG addresses + update the address associated with the ABN (via ATO.gov.au?), ASIC (N.B. BenjaminA’s new address)
      • ABN Search shows current address at postcode 6153
    • ACTION: XX: Set AWS address
    • Membership processing

7. Meeting closed by Nick at 21:07