0. Opening

  • Meeting opened by Nick at 19:40 PM
    • VENUE: Online
  • Present: Nick, Sarah, James, Dan, Ben
  • Apologies: Niall
  • Absent: Lochy
  • Guest:

1. Confirmation of Previous Minutes

2. Next Committee Meeting

  • Tuesday 2024-06-18T18:30–20:30
    • In-person busybee for NFP tax exemption, event placeholders for ops/infra/PLUG-in-the-Pub, etc.? James’ place

3. Reports & Standing Items

  • Financial Situation

    • Balances:
      • Cash box (at Sarah’s)
        • Banking done, $198.95 current, $598.95 at start of 2024
      • Business Debit Card
        • $222.95
      • Bank Balance
        • $3042.25
  • Membership Situation as of 2024-03-19

    • ? new members, ? returned, ? renewals
      • Need to nudge new attendees towards formal financial membership
    • Current Paid Members 26, was 25 at AGM
    • Expired Members 333, was 332 at AGM
    • Members on meetup.com 605, was 472 at AGM
  • Correspondance

    • John M-D: 2025 panel on PLUG/FOSS/open standards?
Date: Wed, 15 May 2024 11:16:00 +0800
From: John McCabe-Dansted <gmatht@gmail.com>
To: ... committee@plug.org.au
Subject: Re: [plug-ctte] Run Panel at GenghisCon?

4. Events Status

  • Review of recent events:

    • April 2024

      • Second Tuesday 2024-04-09
        • Workshop on Inkscape, t-shirt design, vinyl cutters: Cricut & G-WEIKE
          • 28 views on youtube!
        • Presented by John
      • Second Sunday 2024-04-14
        • T-shirt printing
        • Pi Day/Raspberry Jam
    • May 2024

      • Second Sunday 2024-05-12 PLUG+POSH
        • new member!
      • Second Tuesday 2024-05-14
        • Hack on infra/committee
        • AV refresh - need a grant!
  • Upcoming events:

    • May 2024

    • June 2024

      • Second Sunday 2024-06-09 PLUG+POSH
      • Second Tuesday 2024-06-11
        • Turning your Editor into an IDE with the Language Server Protocol by James
    • July 2024

      • Second Sunday 2024-07-14 PLUG+POSH
      • Second Tuesday 2024-07-16
        • Placeholder, look for outings, work visits; or infra workshop
      • PLUG-in-the-Pub Wednesday 2024-07-24: Brotzeit
  • Future talks?

    • written in for June, James: Emacs as an IDE / Language Server Protocol (maybe June?)
    • Margaret: EMACS-based UIs for database applications (not until 2023)
    • Yuchen: Haskell-code-explorer (unlikely to be ready in 2023)
    • Locutus: Ian Clarke (Contact)
    • Aidan - Graphics work (Confirm Sat 2024-01-20) (Not at this stage)
  • Other event info moved here for non actionable items. https://hackmd.io/O85j6jvpR8SlIKln1UD_AQ

5. General Business & Matters Arising

  • ACTION: Grants: AV? Linux Australia?
  • Ephemeral BBB instance, e.g. https://demo.bigbluebutton.org/gl/m-s-e73-zvh-5hy but with our own single-meeting build, run&record, download and teardown workflow
  • update mailing lists: moderators
    • admin/committee busybee items: get people using bulk actions on mailing lists

6. New General Business

  • Benjamin (Wings) requested that we shut down the edison Digital Ocean droplet

    • Just wants to get it off his billing, but more than happy to give like 30 days grace.
    • happy to offer as many VMs as we want on Riff Labs
    • ACTION: James: ask Wings: can we get an IP? for DNS hosting, mumble?
  • Domain renewal is due again: plug.org.au

    • Tim White
  • Committee handover

    • Bank
      • ACTION: James: Update signatories, add James: CBD branch, early 2024-06?
      • ACTION: Add PayID: Sarah: in bank when collecting her card. Cannot set up in app.
      • Done ACTION: Sarah: Pickup cashbox, GNUcash records
    • ACTION: Update PLUG addresses + update the address associated with the ABN (via ATO.gov.au?), ASIC (N.B. BenjaminA’s new address)
      • ABN Search shows current address at postcode 6153
    • ACTION: Niall: Set AWS address: To Niall’s place
    • Mailing list management. Niall working on it.
    • Membership processing
  • MOTION: Authorise up to $50 for a new cashbox

    • Proposed: Nick Seconded: Dan
    • For: 6 Against: 0. Motion passed.

7. Meeting closed by Nick at 20:46